Saturday, October 10, 2009

interior of my beautiful Xen

Went to work yesterday with Xen. she might not have a very beautiful looks like any other japanese girls but to me she definately had a very beautful heart...haa... It pretty weird that just after I posted stuff about Xen in facebook. People tend to run away from me...even my wifey... or is it just me? I had another deja vu again while I was watching 绝世商骄, it felt like I've watch it before few years ago. Alot of "stuff" over here seems like a repeating chapter of what I have done for the last decade or so... maybe I was just given a second chance, but I guess I messed it up again as usual. There is still so much to do but I haven't do it yet, felt like Im giving away time to nothing, sometimes, don't you wished there is a time bank where you can just store all your time in the bank and gain interest, and when u needed it the most take it out and used it? If such bank existed, I would really like to open an account and freeze the time right now and live in this moment of emptiness until i realise what the F**k am I doing right now. anyway, here a few really hot pictures of my Xen

有佐Xen系我身边,真系开心佐好多好多。有时觉得好矛盾,我身边同佢地身边D friend好晤同,可能系缘分挂,我D friend多数都系D老过既但系佢地D friend就好young. 同班“老人家”我觉得成熟D北过又好想要D young generation party life. 见到我身边个个friend都好多节目,好多functions,觉得自己系唔系要检讨下?哈。。。究竟我要既life系点,我过佐黎墨尔本甘多个月,我除佐识到班“aunty”同买 “uncle”,我都冇咩friend咯。。。可能我想搵份好D既工,所以我就识佐甘多比我老既friend (according to the "law of attraction")。只从识佐“佢”,我觉得我好想要D属于我自己既age个friend. 唉。。。明知决定过来墨尔本的目的系咩。。。我都唔知点话我自己。期望我自己幸福什么都有。。。


cheekeong1986 said...


Chun said...
