Wednesday, November 24, 2010



I'm not a person who is considered as someone who has the luck to be where i wanna be, but even how hard life hit on me, i found that there is always someone or something that take all this whole series of unfortunate events off my head and had me back on track. point is, where is my track now? each time you saw the future, the future keep changing. So is there a reason for me to persevere?

everytime i look around, i dunno what is happening to me. i asked myself the same question everytime, what does this world had to do with me? why can't i just be like anybody else? why cant i claim my own space and live without having to care s**t about these "space" that im living in? Im just down to find the better side of me, even heroes have the right to dream, so why am i digging kyrtonite in this one way street? Im only a man looking for my dream, it's so not easy to be me.



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