Friday, February 20, 2009

21st Feb 2009

its midnight over here and somehow for the first time, I felt that things are evolving so quickly that I felt I was so far behind. All these things about the future, life, money, politics, sex, girls, love, economy, globalisation and so on... are driving me to a stage where rationality took place, where I know Im mature enough to handle it. But, not tonight, it's pretty gloomy in here, I suddenly felt people say things with such high risk that it might not be what they want to say. I weeped tonight, somehow thought I could take it like a man, but I couldn't, I fail, it doesn't quite matter what caused this as I knew this would happened someday, just didn't thought it would be today, tonight... its a gloomy dark night and Im all alone with kimba and 6 packs of Heineken... No worries, Ill be in stage 5 tomorrow... and I knew Im stronger than this... I really am

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